Liestal - Chienbäse by Mark Sukhija

Liestal - Chienbäse

Every year in Liestal , a short journey from Basel the Chienbäse event takes place in the old town. With its routes apparently in the pagan ritual of the burning away of winter, the Chienbäse (the torches these guys are carrying) are paraded through the old town. I have a sneaking suspicion that were this anywhere else the Health and Safety Fascists would have been all over it like, well, a flame to petrol. But, being Switzerland and all terribly organised, the fire department are on hand to make sure everything flammable is wet. Except the Chienbäse themselves, of course.

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Further reading

Basel - great things to do - 8 of the best things to do in and around the city of Basel

Basel SBB - Deutsche Bahn train - A Deutsche Bahn train sits at the Basel SBB train station

Basel - Van Gogh exhibition 2009 - A visit the Van Gogh Exhibition at the Kunstmuseum in Basel

Basel Fasnacht - display of Fasnacht lanterns - Lanterns of Basler Fasnacht being displayed in Münsterplatz

Switzerland - sacred destinations - Nine of the finest churchs, cathedrals and monastries in Switzerland

Basel Fasnacht - lanterns at Münsterplatz - Lanterns displayed in front of the Basler Münster on the second day of Basler Fasnacht

Basel - Fasnacht background information - General information on and about the Basler Fasnacht

Basel - getting around - How to get around Basel

Basel - getting there - How to get to Basel

Basel - staying safe - Top tips on staying safe in Basel

Baselland Tourismus - Official website of Basel Land Tourism

About Mark Sukhija

Mark Sukhija is a travel and wine blogger, photographer, tourism researcher, hat-touting, white-shirt-wearing, New Zealand fantatic and eclipse chaser. Aside from at least annual visits to New Zealand, Mark has seen eclipses in South Australia (2002), Libya (2006), China (2009) and Queensland (2012). After twelve years in Switzerland, Mark moved back to London in 2012. You can follow Mark on Twitter or Facebook