No Christmas market is complete without a Christmas tree - and this is one impressive tree. At Place Kleber in central Strasbourg , the tree is highly decorated and surrounded by a model of the old town at its base. During the day, a market with assorted foodstuffs and clothes surrounds the tree.
Strasbourg - River view - View of the River running through central Strasbourg in Alsace
Strasbourg - "Statues" at the Christmas Market at the Cathedral - A pair of statues outside the Christmas Market near the gothic Strasbourg Cathedral
Strasbourg - façade of Strasbourg Cathedral - Façade of the impressive Strasbourg Cathedral in Alsace, France
Strasbourg - façade of the Cathedral - Façade and tower of the Strasbourg Cathedral in Alsace, France
Strasbourg Christmas Market - a travelogue - Travelogue from the a day trip to the Strasbourg Christmas Market
Plan for the Strasbourg Christmas Market - A day trip to the Strasbourg Christmas Market
Strasbourg Christmas Market - facts and figures - Some quick facts and figures about Strasbourg Christmas Market
Basel - great things to do - 8 of the best things to do in and around the city of Basel
Heidelberg - a ship sailing the river at sunset - Cruise ship sailing the river through Heidelberg with dinner, drinks etc
Basel - Fasnacht background information - General information on and about the Basler Fasnacht
Strasbourg Tourism - Official website of Strasbourg Region Tourism Office
Mark Sukhija is a travel and wine blogger, photographer, tourism researcher, hat-touting, white-shirt-wearing, New Zealand fantatic and eclipse chaser. Aside from at least annual visits to New Zealand, Mark has seen eclipses in South Australia (2002), Libya (2006), China (2009) and Queensland (2012). After twelve years in Switzerland, Mark moved back to London in 2012. You can follow Mark on Twitter or Facebook